Name : Tomomi Ogawa / 小川 ともみ
Instruments : Bass & Vokal
Birthday : 1990/05/31
Birthplace : Hyogo Prefecture
Blood type : A
Height : 157 cm
▪ Description ▪
TOMOMI, the bass and writer of majority of their songs. Like HARUNA, she also dreamed of becoming a dancer but rock n’ roll opened a new path. Her dancing skills can be observed while performing with her amazing and graceful movements despite the fact that she is carrying a huge bass. TOMOMI has a very sweet and kinda “chipmunky” voice that is easy to like, together with HARUNA, their voices becomes a very perfect combo. She’s also the one that usually leads in solo parts of their songs.
▪ Facts ▪
• Draws the worst among the group.
• Her favorite food are strawberry and nata de coco.
• Her least favorite food are carrots and melon.
• Most playful in the group and loves to goof-around.
• Become more cuter if drunk.
• Always wear a ring at her little finger.
• Has a tattoo on her left shoulder
• Has piercings on her left ear.
• Graduated from Hyogo Perfecture(兵庫県), Kakogawa's high-school(加古川南) at 2009-2-27.
• Named her Bass Masaya-kun and later changed it to Yuusuke-kun
Name : Rina Suzuki / 鈴木 理奈
Instruments : Drums & Vocal
Birthday : 1991/08/21
Birthplace : Osaka
Blood type : B
Height : 160 cm
▪ Description ▪
RINA, the youngest among the group and serves as the drummer. A girl that always has a smile painted on her face when performing – showing that performing and music is nothing but love. She’s also a cheerful and bubbly person as seen in their live interviews with the reactions she shows. Also among the 4 of them, she is the most active in their blog, making sure that fans is always updated to her and the group.
▪ Facts ▪
• Can also play the piano. Been playing it since she was 3 years old.
• Knows how to cook.
• Has two sisters and a smaller brother, she's the eldest. Her youngest sister is named Suzuki Natsuna(鈴木夏菜).
• Last member to join the group.
• Said once in an interview that she doesn't know any boy's number.
• Wanted to be called RINAX.
• Would love to work at McDonald's, a bar, or a Maid Cafe because she wants to try serving people at a restaurant.
• Likes fantasy and romantic movies
• Collects bath salts
• She loves Bagel.
• She likes Soymilk, specially strawberry and almond flavors. She prefers it over tea or juice.
• She would like to date a guy who plays the guitar well.
• Believes in aliens
• Named her drums Angelina/Angie
Name : Haruna Ono / 小野 春菜
Instruments : Vocals & Rhythm Guitar
Birthday : 1988/08/10
Birthplace : Aichi Prefecture
Blood type : A
Height : 153 cm
▪ Description ▪
HARUNA, the eldest among the group and also serves as the leader. A girl who had a passion for dancing and dreamed of becoming a dancer, but things changed when she met her co-members and eventually took on a rock n’ roll path. But the influence of dance stayed, the reason why some of their PV, choreography can be seen. HARUNA has the most powerful and deep voice that usually leads in their songs combined with the voices of the other 3 members.
▪ Facts ▪
• A fan of Tohoshinki.
• A fan of the Jonas Brothers.
• A fan of the High-School Musical series.
• A fan of Justin Beiber.
• iPhone user
• Bought 4 of Tohonshinki DVD all at once.
• Likes jaejong the most because of his natural personality.
• The moment she plug her earphones and watches videos of Tohoshinki, she cries and laughs all alone.
• A huge fan of Michael Jackson.
• Has 3 piercings on her right ear.
• Has a little brother named Hideto Ono who plays soccer.
• Hates getting wet by water.
• Her eyesight is so bad that makes her say, "It's enough to make me can't live my life without contact lenses or glasses!".
• Went to see Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT movie.
• One of her most loved items is the iPod given by her Mom.
• She wants to have a part time job in an Apparel store. Like becoming a shop assistant or something like that.
• She was part of the movie "BACKDANCERS".
• She was part of Mayu's back-up dancers called the SUPER TIGERS.
• She thinks trousers are better for her clothes because she can feel the wind if she wears a skirt, and she doesn't really like that.
• Named her guitar Shun-kun
Name : Mami Sasazaki / 笹崎 まみ
Instruments : Lead Guitar & Vocal
Birthday : 1990/05/21
Birthplace : Aichi Prefecture
Blood type : AB
Height : 161 cm
▪ Description ▪
MAMI, the lead guitarist and serves that role very well. She has awesome and cool guitar skills that makes her fans more amaze. She appears serious and kinda dark in stage that is different from the other members, but it turns extremely opposite offstage – as she shows a very cheerful personality. Also among the group, she’s the biggest fan of Japanese Anime. She also has very noticeable solo parts in their songs because of her soft-punkish voice.
▪ Facts ▪
• A big Anime fan.
• A huge fan of BLEACH.
• A huge fan of Onepiece.
• Can also play the drums.
• Draws the best among the group.
• Knows how to cook.
• Has a habit of calling herself "Oira". Been saying that since elementary.
• Loves to play her Nintedo DS.
• Would love to do a seiyuu work for an Anime one day.
• Named her guitar Yuuya-kun
▪ SCANDAL Facts ▪
• Friends with Stereopony.
• Friends with Oreskaband.
• HARUNA and MAMI both loves Dragonball.
• HARUNA and MAMI tend to tap their left leg and swing their guitars in the same rhythm while playing songs.
• HARUNA and RINA went to see a Prince of Tennis musical (TeniMyu).
• HARUNA and TOMOMI wear the same ring at their little finger.
• Loves Bleach, One Piece and K-On!.
• Studied at Caless Vocal & Dance School. Met at the main branch at Osaka.
• They all like guys with an "S-Type" personality.
• They spent only a year and a half (from mid-2006) learning to play their respective musical instruments before they started performing on a regular basis.